26th June - Grafton to Lennox Head

Nigel says.... Left the Bent Street Motel in Grafton early at 0700hrs following a breakfast in the room of oatibix in a mug (no bowls!) and banana. It was misty and surprisingly chilly - lights on. Followed the river east to Lawrence where we caught the ferry and continued our journey to Maclean.

It was a really pleasant ride of 45 kms which took us well away from the Pacific Highway- hurrah! Sun coming up, mist rising from the Clarence river, flat road, interesting countryside. We had a moment of wobble from Mr Hotmix when he was asked to ride down a road off the main route - but it was sealed and took us right alongside the river past a herd of alpaccas and lots of sugar cane.

We arrived in Maclean and had a break. It was a tidy, well kept and attractive town, but very jockenese. The lamposts all had a different tartan painted on them and there were murals with pipers and highland cattle etc. The Scottish element was obviously a major part of the town economy.

We then got back onto the grind of the Pacific Highway, which as in previous days, was mixed in its quality. We were passed en route to Woodburn by a chapter of about 20 of Australia's Hells Angels who took over the entire road. Gordon knows about these things and said that they were the Finks. I thought they were tossers. We found them parked up in Woodburn's main street in a perfect, almost military line, each bike with a helmet on the right hand handelbar. A more sinister and unpleasant bunch it would be hard to imagine.

We continued the ride through Ballina and turned onto the coast road towards Jim's place at Lennox Head. The views of the coast line just as the sun was starting to sink were stunning and well worth the couple of climbs to arrive here. Jim's apartment has great views looking out over the bay. Whales have been seen for the last couple of days, so fingers crossed we shall get to see them tomorrow. Total distance cycled today was 148kms (93 miles)

Thoughts and comments:

  • Saw the first sugar cane fields today
  • Collected a giant golf ball and an enormous prawn (both in Ballina) as part of our collection of outsized Australian objects.
  • Snack of the day: Vanilla slice sitting by the river at Woodburn
  • Slogan of the day: Garage forecourt Woodburn - "Dont want to cook? Pick up a chook" (sensible) and Ballina Turf Farm - "For all your turf needs"......
  • Tune of the day: Chumbawumba - Tubthumping
  • Butt status: sound

Tomorrow Queensland and the Gold Coast. Morale high.

Gordon says ...

All in all, a good day. A pleasant day's cycling, some fine scenery, we stayed pretty much on the main drag, and Nigel kept his yap shut. Perfect

Regarding the evening's relaxation, Jim took us out to a local Thai restaurant - great food, and I think I've overdone the red wine again. Jim had two thirds of a glass and is loooking distinctly worse for wear. Nigel always looks a bit drunk, so who'd know how he is. What's really disturbing is that Jim - a lifelong socialist - and Nigel - a gibbering fascist - have got on well, and even agreed on a bunch of stuff. Jeez, I must be hammered.

We're having breakfast with Jim tomorrow, then off to stay with my mother-in-law at Broadbeach. Actually, I quite like seeing the old bag ... and my sister-in-law, who makes Belinda look like she's taken a vow of silence. I hate to say it, but while I was sat in motel rooms in Victoria by myself, sick as a dog, Nikki's nightly supportive phone calls helped keep me afloat.

Obvious, I'm very much looking forward to seeing Belinda and Buddy tomorrow.

OK, I'll download some pictures and hit the sack. Jim and Nigel are talking over the other side of the room, and they're agreeing again. I can't stand it.


  1. I was worried as the sun was setting and the map showed Gordon & Nigel still south of Woodburn with unseasonal NE headwinds so was surprised but relieved when they turned up about 10 minutes later, telling me that there is a 4-hr lag on their tracking device. It was great to see Gordon looking so well after the problems in the early stages and to meet Nigel, who lives close to some of the fab castles, abbeys and monasteries that I visited while living in Durham. Both were in great spirits so after they showered (thank goodness!) we had dinner at the local Thai restaurant where I learned fascinating new things – like, um, er, the best buttock cream to use if I am ever insane enough to ride around Australia commando style! Alas, no whales were around this morning, but we had a great brekkie at a beachside cafĂ© close to where the tornado struck last month, and the Yorkshire Lads headed off to the lighthouse atop Cape Byron in a bit of drizzle, but with a mainly flat run and a tailwind to the Gold Coast. Happy 50th tomorrow, Gordon!

    ‘Happy trails to you, until we meet again…’

  2. Cheeky sod, Gordon. And here I am slaving over a hot oven, making you a birthday cake!

    See you both soon - there is beer in the fridge and steak ready for the BBQ!

    Nikki xxx
